Monday, 25 November 2013

Which is cuter? Baby giraffe or kitten?

cartoon drawing of giraffe with momma
Have you ever wanted to break away from the mold and show yourself to be different? You can do so these days with facebook and enjoy really standing out from the crowd. How can you do this? You can change your avatar on your profile pic and show your fun and silly personality this way. Put up a picture of someone else’s kid doing something silly and funny. Put up a picture of yourself doing something silly. Add a drawing to your profile pic of something that you made or that your kid made. Or even go crazy and put up a picture of wide selection offree giraffe pics. Here, you’ll find all sorts of giraffe images that can be used for profile pic choices and that will allow you to feel like you’re making some great choices. Everyone enjoys a good laugh each day, so why shouldn’t you be someone who can provide it? When you start adding to your profile pic and engaging with facebook more, you just might see that it creates a really fun process.
cat meow kitty
a giraffe or a rhino just because. You can feel free to use any of these giraffe images for a profile pic, or find a